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Protection of personal data

We recognize the importance of protecting personal information We take care to cater all the requirements of the protection of personal data. Moja trgovinica,  Bostjan Decman s. p., is liable in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1-UPB1) to protecting the personal data of its users.

For business needs gathers the following information:

-          Name and Surname

-          Address and place of residence

-          E-mail address (valid as username),

-          Telephone numbe

-          Date of birth (optional)

-          Password (encripted)

-          And other data that users enter in forms at



We are not responsible for the accuracy of the data entered by users of our service. For the purpose of ensuring security we also collect IP addresses from which users access the site. Each user is assigned at the beginning of the visit session cookie (preliminary Cookie) to identify and monitor your shopping basket. may save some persistent cookies on visiters computers like: the identification number of the user in an encrypted form (to identify the next visit), review articles (that you know which items you already rated), and four cookies of Google Analytics (analysis visits to the site). All of these data, with the exception of cookies, the server ( stores permanently.  Session cookies are stored in the server's memory only for the duration of the visit and are deleted after one hour of inactivity, Permanent cookies are stored on the visitor's computer.

Summary data of can be used in anonymised form for purposes of statistical analysis.

User data in any case will not be handed over to unauthorized persons. Delivery service (eg. Post of Slovenia) will be given only user's shipping address.

The users will be contacted by means of distance communication only if the user does not expressly oppose. 

User agrees that this company, Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p., can send notifications related to company's offers (sending of information material, proposals, invoices) and other communication required for order fulfillment. User or his guardian or legal representative may at any time revoke his consent for the use of personal information obtained in the process of registration, ordering and delivery for direct marketing purposes. 

  1. Invoices are archived at the company Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p., Partisanka cesta 7, 1431 Dol Hrastniku, Slovenia. Access to them, you can ask by e-mail or business address.
  2. The company Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p. is committed to the collection of personal information used in accordance with the Law on the protection of personal data and will not be disclosed to third parties.
  3. Web page  includes also  links to other websites which are not owned by Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman a. p. and for which it can not guarantee the security of personal data. 

Extremely disclosure of personal information

Data supplied by ( collects and processes will be disclosed only if such liability is determined by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary for the proceedings before the courts or other state agencies and the protect and promote the legitimate interests 


By using the Web site are also agreeing to these terms of use of your personal data 


Company will be entered by the user in touch by any means of long distance communication only if the user does not explicitly object

Commercial e-mails will contain the following elements:

  • Clear and unambiguous will be marked as advertisements,
  • Sender will be made clear,
  • Various campaigns, promotions and other marketing techniques will be marked as such. It will also clearly set out the conditions of participation in them
  • To clearly demonstrate the method of opting out from receiving advertisements
  • If user does not wish to receive advertising messages, the provider will specifically honor.


Comments / feedback from users 

Reviews and user comments and reviews of products written by customers is the functionality of shop. Visitors can write down comments or opinion of the producst. Comments and opinions can be reviewed before the fhe final publication. Provider will not publish comments or the views that are way offensive, obscene or if the provider believes that they do not provide benefits to other users and visitors. 

By submitting opinion or comment, the user expressly agrees to the terms of use and allows the publication of part or all of the text in all electronic and other media.

Child care

Advertising messages are clear (considering age) and clearly distinct from the games and competitions.

Any communication intended for children, it will be appropriate to their age and will not be exploited trust of children, lack of experience or sense of loyalty. can not take orders from someone, knowing or suspecting that a child is not to have the express permission of their parents or guardians., without the express permission of their parents or guardians, can not accept any personal data relating to children. Also, a third party provider may not issue data taken from children, except the parents or guardians. 

The provider does not offer free access to products or services that are harmful to children.


Absolution of responsibility 

Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p.,  do their best to ensure currency and accuracy of the information published on its pages. Nevertheless, the nature of items, delivery or price change so rapidly, that the provider fails to correct the information on the website. In such a case, the buyer will be informed of changes and to cancel the order or of replacement of items.

Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p., is not responsible for the content of opinions on the articles, written by the visitors. Provider opinion prior to publication, review and reject those that contain obvious untruths  that might be misleading or offensive. Company is not responsible for the information and opinions are exempt of any liability arising from the information in the documents.

Although the company Moja trgovinica, Bostjan Decman s. p., tries to provide accurate pictures of products, all photographs must be taken as symbolic. Photos do not provide the item properties.

The company Moja trgovinica, Boštjan Dečman s. p., reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time and in any manner, for any reason and without notice.